Our Techs Provided Amazing Grout Cleaning Services to Restore This Shower in Edgewater
June 10, 2024
Shower cleaning is hard enough when there isn't a reliable way to fight mold and soap scum. Having to deal with damage on your seams on top of that will do a lot to increase your stress levels. A homeowner in Edgewater started to feel that stress as weeks went by without him making any progress on his shower cleaning. He'd tried different products over that time, but dirt still remained on the grout, drawing attention to the dark stains between the tiles.
Once the homeowner decided to trust a professional with his problem, he recalled hearing wonders about Sir Grout Annapolis, so he started his search there. Looking through our picture gallery convinced him to contact our grout cleaning service in Edgewater so the homeowner ended his research with a call to our agents who, in turn, were happy to answer all his questions.
He set a date for an appointment, and our specialists visited his house a few days later, as scheduled. After the client led them to the bathroom, they looked at the shower stall and checked the grout for cracks. While the homeowner had managed to keep soap scum off most of the tiles, the walls still looked duller despite their rich coloring. The main problem, however, was on the grout.
Black stains ran across the grout lines on the wall and the seams had absorbed a lot of water since the last of the sealant faded away. As our crew explained, hard water has a high concentration of minerals and they can start corroding hard surfaces after a while. Soap-based cleaners do little to solve the problem because they create a foamy film that makes it harder for homeowners to remove all traces of dirt.
The solution was a deep cleaning service with Sir Grout's professional equipment. Our techs also needed to seal the grout and repair the seams so they offered the complete restoration process and explained each of the steps to the client. He was fully on board with the plan so he didn't hesitate to schedule a new appointment with our techs.
Later that week, our experts arrived at his house for the second time. They brought all the necessary equipment to complete the restoration that same day and got to work as soon as they entered the bathroom. They quickly prepared the area, covering all surrounding surfaces with clear plastic and masking tape, before soaking every surface with a permeating formula. They removed all traces of dirt from the walls and the floor and vapor cleaned the shower stall to ensure that no residue remained on harder-to-reach surfaces.
To restore the grout, our techs started by making the necessary repairs to the seams. They removed the old caulk and installed epoxy grout in its place, enhancing the joints' durability against water, mold, mildew, and wear and tear. Then, they applied ColorSeal to all the grout lines on the wall to protect the porous surface against external agents. Their job restored the contrast between the white grout and the dark layout of the tiles, making the effect much more striking.
Needless to say, the homeowner loved the result and he took his time admiring the shower's elegant look. He also promised to tell everyone in Edgewater about the quality of our restoration services.
Here are the recommendations that we share with clients at the end of every appointment: First, it's important to make sure that your cleaning product doesn't add to the damage caused by soap and hard water. PH-neutral products are more effective, and Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner is the perfect example. It combines high-quality ingredients to remove common shower stains with little effort, all without prompting discoloration to tile and grout surfaces. It's the best choice to preserve your bathroom surfaces and avoid the harmful effects of chemical ingredients.
We also recommend to avoid steel wools and other abrasive tools when scrubbing off embedded dirt. Tile surfaces are likely to accumulate scratch marks after each cleaning session and you won't even get to remove all the dirt. The best option is to use a fresh towel, a terry cloth, or a squeegee. These tools also help when removing the moisture residue from your shower walls, and this is an important step to prevent the growth of mold and mildew.
On that note, our last recommendation is to keep the air circulating in and out of your bathroom areas. Good indoor ventilation is essential for the maintenance of tile and grout surfaces so we always remind clients to open the windows and doors a few hours a day. You'll stop moisture from corroding your grout and keep a nicer environment for yourself and your guests.
Are you unable to stop the deterioration of your shower? Bathroom surfaces require the best quality, and Sir Grout Annapolis is here to deliver. Our specialists not only take care of all the stains, but also provide the best protection to simplify shower maintenance in the future. You can call (443) 775-8000 or schedule a free quote online to get more information or request an appointment with our crew. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.